

For understand at a glance!
Here in summary how to use the project, some concepts and useful references to further, in response to the FAQ of the artists.

1 I would like to present some more works, is it possible?
Yes, but no more than two. In any case, there should be two works very different in style or technique used.
2 In which format should be provided every work?
In pdf or jpg file at 300 dpi definition in format 21x21 cm.
3 To whom should be sent the work?
To Claudio Quinzani to the email you can find on the site
4 What use is made of the work?
It is purely and simply be published on the site and if it belongs to one of the top 120 artists participating in the project, also in the book.
5 The copyright is protected?
I will not use any of the work for other purposes, unless specifically requested to the authors and any written assignment by themselves.
When the site was not yet on the net I used to ask to all the artists a card with the datas of who participated with the permission to use the works on the site and on the book. Now that the website is active it becomes a waste of time.
However, if someone feels more safe the form is always available. You can require it.
6 Can I present my work already produced?
In some cases we did it because the work was particularly relevant to the sentence and considering the works of the artists on the net I proposed directly the combination with the slogan by announcing it to the author who asked to participate.
In general I search the exclusive: the artist participate becuase inspired by one of the phrases and carries out a project starting with the slogan chosen by himself.
7 How can I receive the Text with the phrase?
Asking to Claudio Quinzani to the e-mail of the site.
8 How can I book the phrase?
Choosing it from the text in pdf I send you and saying to me the phrase and page number. I confirm your choice and I underline it in yellow in the text to demonstrate that it is already booked.
Some phrases are idioms or word games in specific Italian language. If you participate from abroad or have language difficulties get help from a friend or contact me and I will better illustrate the possible sentence choice, or simply get inspiration by the sound produced by the slogan if you pronounce it aloud without worry about the meaning.
9 How long do I have to carry out the work?
There's no hurry, but we recommend a maximum of two months to speed up a little time. Some create demanding works and need more time. If you decide to give up, just inform me and I will free again the phrase for others who want to participate.
10 The piece have to include the phrase?
Only if you want to, but it is not a rule.
11 Which technique I can use?
All the technique.
12 On which support I can work?
In any support. Some have made ​​plastic works, sculptures and installations.
It is also possible to interpret one of the slogans with using people as performers.
A video too is possible and must be of maximum three minutes.
Do not put opening and closing titles: it will be uploaded on the site and the form with your data will contain all the necessary references to the video.
If you think on a video you should upload it on a web space of your choice (youtube, vimeo, etc.) and authorize me to make a copy available on the website.
13 If the work is not in computer graphics, but real, how can I send it?
Sending to Claudio Quinzani the file by email.
Producing a good quality photos, always in pdf or jpg file at 300 dpi definition in format 21x21 cm.
14 With the work I can send my biography?
Are specifically required: name and surname or nickname. Choose one of the two opportunities.
Technical and support used.
Place of origin or birth of the author: choose one of the two opportunities.
Only one contact web that by clicking will go directly to your page. It can be your email, a website, a blog, a Facebook page, a space on the web, what you prefer.
Look at the existing works on the site and search descriptions short, concise and direct.
In case you participate with two works, give me two different web contacts, one for each work.
15 how much time is required to publish the work on the site?
A reasonable time useful to gather a considerable number of works to pass them to the editors of the site that load them in groups.
16 Who chooses the works?
No one, there is no jury.
The project is an open laboratory, not a competition, nor an art catalog.
17 Will be organized an exhibition of the works in their original format?
It would be very nice. I, with my own strength I can’t. If someone wants to propose, has contacts or right spaces and bring himself to curate an exhibition, you just need to write to me and we can talk.
18 Participate has any costs?
No is completely free. There is no trick, no second thoughts. To get an idea of the spirit of the project read the comments of those who have participated and watch the video in the page of the site that shows the works.
19 How can I help promote the project?
Talking to your friends, to whom you want, linking to the site through your contact page. Bringing with you the postcards that you can ask me directly. Search on this site section how to contribute.
20 Who did this?
Claudio Quinzani and every one wants to help in.
21 Who realized the logos of the site?
Marco Purè participated choosing a sentence. The artwork is so relevant to the project that I asked him to use it; Dogukan Belozoglü who made a dogu to the back of the postcard and Eve Escoms Estarlich who participated choosing a slogan.
I loved her work and I found it in harmony with the site logo. I asked her to use it for the blog reference Assorted Theaters.
22 Who created the graphics for the site?
Two professionals I know cooperated with me.
Have proved seriously prepared and motivated to help: they interpreted beautifully all my intentions.
23 Who is funding the project?
Claudio Quinzani and anyone who wants to participate in any form, especially Bodies municipalities, cultural associations and free institutions.

24 Who makes the graphics of the book?
The Cooperative Clab of Bolzano in the person of Francesca Peruz who appreciated the project and asked me to participate in giving me tips at the beginning of the work.

25 Who published the book?
A publisher or a client who values ​​the idea and intends to promote it. So far I have contacted several companies in Italy and abroad. All I have asked for an estimate of five thousand euro per thousand copies with certain technical characteristics of a good standard. I have no money and I will not ask for fees to artists: the book is not a catalog. If there is any entity, municipality or institution that wants to work, I’m well prepared to consider the proposal.

26 What and how many works will be in the book?
120 works interspersed with the text consists of 365 short sentences as a title.
Only one work per author including card / artist like the site, which will occupy an entire façade and measure 21x21 cm.
In the case of more than one work by each artist on the site, I reserve the right to choose the most useful publication for the book warning and agreeing with each author personally.

27 How do I get the book?
Requesting the book to me when it is available. I'm going to send it by post as a bend of books.
If I proceed independently and have no contribution, I send it to all the artists participating in it cost me a little. 'could possibly be considered a minimum contribution to the expenses.

28 Will the book be on sale?
It is not in my intention because a product of this type is not considered by the market. Usually the art books are purchased directly from the exhibitors participating. Esteemed gallerists are already doing that so well ...

29 Where can I find the book?
Everyone can do his part to place it wherever you think it should be consulted: libraries, art clubs, cultural associations, friends...

30 What means between 5 and 10 cm?
Refers to the length of the sentences of the text like a short title, and any slogan that goes around in the daily newspapers, advertising, quotes, sms...

31 What does the endorsement without title contained in the email title of the website means?
It is a word game that refers to the idea to have no title that authorize me to play with the titles that act as the text for the book, since I'm not famous.
Probably if I were famous I would be considered by many as a great genius by the mere fact of being known and only few will be actually interested in the project.

32. How and when was this project born?
In August 2010 when I was kindly dismissed by different publishers after sending them my works. I looked for artists on line, and wrote each one of them a simple but detailed e-mail: thus I contacted around three thousand people. Many of them joined the project and gave me precious advice. One year after the website was born.

33. What's this project's purpose?
This work is aimed at proving that you can do art with few short sentences, involving free open-minded artists, who don't want to work under restraints and money blackmail. We want to create an open lab as a tribute to free art without tricks, manipulations and pretence. tra5e10cm is a pretext to put into play artists who share a common intent and can use this mean to make people know themselves, broadcast their art and contact anybody who takes part.

34. Who translated these FAQ?
These translations are frequently updated thanks to any volunteer who proves himself able. Whoever masters a language and wants to contribute, please write me and I'll be happy to welcome your proposal.

35. Do you have a blog?
Not yet. We do have “teatri assortiti” on blog, which shows my last years of theatrical work. I find a blog as a collective opinion - sharing too demanding, if we don't want to get lost in endless reflections. I always keep directly in touch with each artist involved.

36. How can I join the comments' section?
Write we per e-mail. I add the sentences dealing with the project – those often born by chance, no matter if positive or negative – after asking for the author's permission. I try to use only the author's forename, exceptions must be well justified.

37. Is this project on facebook?
I didn't published anything on facebook, it would cost me too much effort, although many artists did recommend the website. Anybody who wants to do it is welcome!

38. How can I broadcast the website?
Any way you want. If you do it on the internet, please write me the references.

39. Will there be an eBook?
I'm thinking about it. I've found a publisher who's available to host the project on line. If this book is going to remain a dream out of reach, this could be a good alternative.

40. Who makes me do it?
The will to discover how different people can understand the sentences in a text. I'm interested in how an intrinsic open thought can chance into its multiple possibilities.
An endless love for art.
The desire to remember my father, who used to paint in the night and whenever possible, hanging in the balance between his natural interior being pushing him towards art and his ordinary life that forced him to be someone he didn't dream to be.
tra5e10cm has been welcomed by many artists who find the project original, spontaneous and generous. Thanks to You All this idea didn't remain just a dream, even though it conserves its purest taste.

translation of Elena Volpari Lucasetti, Catherine Awurumibe, Stefania Comai


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